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Year of the Conservative Women

Updated: Dec 27, 2020

This is truly the year of the Conservative Woman. As a conservative woman I have been extremely proud of all of the accomplishments of my fellow sisters over this past year. We have seen a record number of Republican women elected into Congress. We were introduced to everyone’s favorite working mom, Kayleigh Mcenany and of course the Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett. These are women who are taking a stand against socialism plus many of these women are strong their faith and commitment to God and their families. I, for one, am inspired and motivated to keep up the fight.

Earlier this week I attended Turning Point USA ‘s Student Action Summit (SAS) and all of my favorite speakers were women. We heard from Judge Jeanine, Allie Stuckey, Mary Miller, Kat Cammack, Lauren Boebert, and Alex Clark. (There were other women who spoke, but I was unable to watch them) These women are strong bold and courageous. As covered in their session they have allowed God to be to in charge, which has allowed them to not back down. During Alex Clark’s speech she talked about taking the road less traveled, which resonated in my soul as someone who has a lost friends for my beliefs. At the end of the day as Madison Cathrone explained we are doing the right and just thing.

One of the days of the conference, a panel of Republican Women lead by Isabel Brown discussed being a Republican woman. She interviewed three newly elected women to Congress: Mary Miller of IL-15, Kat Cammack, youngest Republican women elected to congress, and Lauren Boebert, who beat a 10- year incumbent in the primaries and won the general. These women worked incredibly hard to get where they are and without compromising their beliefs. Hearing such accomplished women speak was not only inspirational, but also motivating. After leaving the conference I feel incredibly motivated to not back, to take the road less traveled, and use my voice and gifts that God gave me to stand up for truth and justice.

We are at a pivotal moment in our country. We are the change makers. Just as Esther was called, I believe we can look at her realize we are called for “such a time as this”. God is intentional and sovereign. He knew what was going to happen way before we did. Our job is to completely surrender and follow whatever plan He has for us. God has given us different gifts and now is the time for us to use them. If we are going to change our culture it starts with us. I believe now more than ever we will have to start standing up. We have allowed women who don’t have a Biblical foundation in their lives to speak the loudest in our society. God has made us women so uniquely beautifully different from men. Our roles are different from men, and that’s okay. It’s now time we speak up and say something.

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